* STAR * CROSTIC * 6 *


  1. Cthulhu
  2. Olaf Stapledon
  3. Nightwings
  4. Sleeper
  5. I Hope I...
  6. Dorothy Stratten
  7. Eden Cycle
  8. Ragged Edge
  9. Protector
  10. Hidden World
  11. Lead a...
  12. Entropy Effect
  13. Baldwin (Kettlebelly)
  14. Alan Dean Foster
  15. Shadowfax
  16. Irae
  17. Alice Sheldon (James Tiptree)
  18. Into the Aether
  19. Needles (Michael Balzary)
  20. Brother Assassin
  21. Andrew Offutt
  22. Nasal
  23. Kenneth Bulmer
  24. Space Viking

"Consider Phlebas" by Iain Banks

Where the stars rose like a glittering cliff, the ship's exploding warheads had been
arranged in a crude code. The planet was not one they could simply attack, destroy
or even land on. It was near the region of barren space called the Sullen Gulf and it
was one of the forbidden Planets of the Dead.

The name Phlebas is from T.S. Eliot's "Waste Land." Eliot asked the reader to consider
Phlebas the Phoenician, a sailor who drowned at sea. The name has no mythological or
historical significance. The Tarot card "The Drowned Man" was also Phoenician but
unnamed. Eliot was portraying the finality of death without hope of reincarnation of any
type. Iain Banks used Eliot's trope as his title as a warning not to expect any salvation
for the story's characters.