written by Scott Warner

I wanted to submit these eight excellent sci-fi and fantasy jokes to The Big Bang Theory but I was never able to find
an address to which I could send them. I hoped that they would be used in a "can-you-top-this" contest.

RAJ: Hey, I've got a really good "Alice in Wonderland" joke. The Caterpillar was suffering from a bad case of
hemorrhoids, so he went to the apothecary shop. The pharmacopolist, Dr. Dodo, recommended a toadstool softener.

BERNADETTE: That's cute but try this. If Captain Kirk got married, Spock could not be the Best Man. He would have
to be the Best Half-Man, Half-Vulcan.

SHELDON: Oh, I can beat that! What did one orc say to the other orc? Nothing. He was too busy dining on a rebellious
compatriot and besides his 'mother' always told him "Keep your mouth full, don't talk."

STUART: Hahaha, that's really funny! Have you ever wondered why orcs wear pointy metal combat boots?
[makes horizontal vee shape with his hands] Prowed feet.

AMY: I have a joke about "Lord of the Rings" too. What do you see if you pull down the armored underwear of Dr. Doom?
The Crack of Doom!

LEONARD: Okay, my turn. How many androids does it take to screw in a light bulb? It doesn't matter how many androids
you insert into a light bulb, they still won't screw.

This punchline inverts the meaning of the set-up twice so perfectly that it supersedes all other numerical type answers.
Not only is it a very good joke in itself, it's also a joke about a (light bulb) joke. Therefore I consider it a form of meta-joke.
However I decided to try to writing a numerical punchline just for comparison.

HOWARD: How many androids does it take to screw in a light bulb? Two: one to drop his pants and bend over,
the other one to screw it in. And guess what, it lights up!

PENNY: Hey I got one too. What was Lord Denethor's favorite rock'n'roll song?
The WHOLE GANG in unison: Light My Pyre!