OBITUARIES Mon Apr 27, 3021 IV
  Fangorn, the famous tree-herding Ent, passed away on Sunday when he was unexpectedly struck by lightning while taking his customary unhurried stroll through Fangorn Forest. His trunk was shockingly sundered and scorched by the lightning bolt and death from delimbation was immediate.
Also known as Treebeard in the Westron tongue, Fangorn sprouted in Tauremornalömé Forest and spent his entire prolonged life span faithfully attending to its custodial care, insuring the forest's health and longevity. His knowledge of forestry management was legendary and his devotion to horticultural preservation was renowned. Thus Tauremornalömé became more commonly known as Fangorn Forest.
Being of Onodrim descent, Fangorn was innately reserved, contemplative and languorous. However, he became utterly enraged by the wanton deforestation of his arborial friends by the minions of Saruman the White during the War of the Ring. Fangorn became famous for inciting the few extant Ents into attacking Orthanc Tower and vanquishing the turncoat wizard. He was also responsible for the migration of the Huorns to Helm's Deep during the war, leading to the final defeat of Saruman's Uruk-hai army.
Eye witnesses of the lightning strike claimed that the bolt was of an unusual nature. They stated that it came straight down from a clear, uncloudy sky and was arrowlike in linearity. Agricultural pathologists of the Ithilien Ranger Service were summoned to the scene to determine if his death was an act of revenge by persons or phantasms unknown. However, no evidence of such was discovered and the incident was officially declared to be an act of pure providence.
Fangorn may be survived by his Entwife Leafmosayk but no one is quite sure. Attempts to contact her have been unsuccessful. Funeral services will be held on Friday at Derndingle glade with eulogies delivered by Legolas, Arwen the Queen and Radagast the Brown. A memorial grove of mallorn trees bequeathed by Elessar, King of Gondor and Arnor, will be planted nearby. Offerings of flowers, shrubbery, mulch and fertilizer can be transported to this location. Fangorn's cellulosic remains have been generously donated to the Westfold Heating Fund for cremation this winter.