Rio de Janeiro BZ (AP) Dr. Barry Allen of Central City, Illinois achieved
an unprecedented Olympic feat by winning the gold, the silver and the
bronze medals in the men?s 100 meter dash today. He accomplished this
by running the distance in .05 seconds, then returning to the starting
line and running the course again in another .06 seconds. He then ran
back to the starting line one more time and ran the final 100 meters in
a blistering .04 seconds. His total time for the three laps was .33 seconds,
setting three new World and Olympic records during the same race.

The incredible velocity of Allen?s performance made it impossible for the
judges and spectators to witness with their eyes. Only when the video tape
was replayed at super slo-mo speed was the reality of Allen's deed revealed.
He finished his first 100 meter leg when the previous gold medal winner Usain
Bolt was just beginning to leave his position in the starting blocks. Bolt was
in the midst taking his first stride by the time Allen had returned to the
starting line.

Allen completed his second 200 meter lap when Bolt had taken only one step.
Allen finished his third lap when Bolt was only three meters from the starting
line. The unusual nature of the race caused immense controversy that led to a
long, heated conference between Olympic officials. After 22 minutes of deliber-
ation, the officials awarded first, second and third place to Allen.

Seeing Allen alone on the medal platform with the gold, silver and bronze medals
around his neck was a historic event not to be forgotten in Olympic history. It
was fortunate that Allen won all three medals because the other competitors were
severely burned by the heat generated by Allen's speed. They were subsequently
transported to a hospital for treatment.

The officials? ruling sparked an intense outcry of indignation and dissent. However
renowned sportscaster Tony Hornkaiser refuted this position by stating "I don't
care about archaic, artificial rules. The magnificence of the Flash's accomplish-
ment deserves to be appropriately ackknowledged." Usain Bolt SEE FLASH D8