writing exercise: write about a famous movie (Hitchcock, the film about the making of Psycho, directed by Sacha Gervasi and starring Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock; Helen Mirren as his wife and screewriter Alma; James D'arcy as Anthony Hopkins; and Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh)

by Scott Warner

Scene 1: Close-up shot of Johansson through windshield driving down the road. She pulls up to the Bates motel office and blows the horn. D'Arcy runs out of house and down the hill to motel. Cut to two-shot interior of office. Dialogue by D'Arcy about new highway effecting motel business.

Hopkins (off screen): "Cut."

Camera pulls back showing Hopkins seated in director's chair surrounded by cameras, boom mikes, lighting and crew. Hopkins stands up and walks on to set. He needles the two actors into giving better performances as Hitchcock was wont to do. Then he returns to his chair and orders "Action."

Gervasi (off screen): "Cut."

Camera pulls back showing Sacha Gervasi, director of "Hitchcock," and scriptwriter John McLaughlin surrounded by cameras, boom mikes, lighting and crew. Gervasi, Hopkins, D'Arcy and Johansson huddle to discuss ways to improve the scene. Then they return to their positions and Gervasi orders "Action."

Documentarian (off screen): "Freeze."

Camera pulls back showing film editing monitor screen with image of Gervasi. Three-shot of Documentarian, film editor and sound technician who discuss the quality of their project, "Metastasis: The Making of Hitchcock." Four films in one! (Psycho, Hitchcock, "Metastasis" and reader's omniscient point of view)